Saturday, March 14, 2009

99 days ... this is getting real people

I'm home now for my final trip home before the wedding. So that means a whirlwind of planning and...MY BRIDAL SHOWER! :)

So on Friday I went to meet with the coordinator from the reception site and my Day of Coordinator Stephanie. Both meetings went great, and the BEST news of the day?! They are ripping out the ugly, gray, stained carpet and putting in hardwood floors!!! YIPPEE!! Those floors were the one major thing I didn't like about the venue but decided to deal with for the price. But now hardwoods - EEK! It's going to make such a difference. I also set up practice centerpieces:

My meeting with my DOC went great - she asked a lot of good questions and gave me some good ideas for how to make the day go more smoothly! I'm so glad we decided to have someone outside friends and family there the day of to help manage things.

After that I went to check out Loose Park Rose Garden and got a pretty big shock... I hope they keep up the hard work and it looks much better than this on June 21st!!

Today was my bridal shower and it was awesome! I had a really good time and it was great to see people I do not get to see very often.

I'm so lucky to have these girls in my life to help me celebrate, and one in absentia whose positive vibes I could feel all day from Florida (miss you Sari!!)

Me and my mama

The highlights:

Game #1 - Cassie had a really fun idea to have people write down a memorable moment that they had with me and they would all be read aloud and I had to guess who wrote it. I only got one wrong...MY MOM! But in fairness it was something that I was too young to remember. :)

Game #2 - The infamous "gum game" - Jolene asked Micheal 20 questions and I had to guess his answers and for every question I got wrong I had to put a piece of gum in my mouth. I didn't know his favorite movie, his first pet's name and he wrote down his favorite song instead of "our" song and was wrong about who said I love you first! :P I think I missed a few more in there and ended up with a MOUTHFUL of gum!

In the second picture I'm thinking how much I didn't want to put that piece in my mouth and by the fourth picture I could hardly keep my mouth closed. About 6 or 7 pieces of bubblicious gum is way more than you think!!

On to gift opening! Everyone was so generous and my kitchen is going to be well stocked!

This is me telling my grandma to close her eyes as I opened the Victoria Secret bag from Jolene

She got me in the end though...I got to the last gift and there was a THONG wrapped around the giftcard, I told my grandma to again close her eyes and she kinda giggled and when I removed said thong it was from her!! In the card she said she got it for me to help me remember that she and grandpa were once young too. Needless to say I was shocked! But I love my grandma, she's awesome.

Jolene started my veil for me! I had attempted this once and had been less than successful - she did an awesome job!

I had lots of helpers...

Micheal's mom and sister came down from KC and I was so glad to see them!

All in all it was an amazing day and I am getting so excited for my wedding!! Only 99 days away, DOUBLE DIGITS PEOPLE!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Registry Information

We are registered at:

The link below will take you directly to all three registries, if you purchase online through Wedding Channel they will make a donation to St. Judes Children's Hospital - which was the charity of our choice.

Bed, Bath & Beyond - Crate & Barrel - Macy's

One thing I have noted about being registered at Macy's - their sales fluctuate wildly! So far everything on our registry has been significantly on sale at least once in the two weeks since we have been registered. So my tip is - if it's not on sale, wait until next week and it likely will be!

Hotel Information - Marriott Downtown KC

Hey all! It's been a little while but now the updates should be coming fast and furious! Here is the info for the hotels where we have blocks of rooms reserved at a group rate.

The Q Hotel & Spa
To make reservations call 1-816-931-0001. When you call you are booking a room for the Morgan-Struemph wedding, we have rooms available on Saturday June 20th and Sunday June 21st. These rooms need to be reserved by May 19th or they will be released back for general booking.

Our group rate is $105 for either two doubles or a queen room.

Space is limited at this hotel so if no more rooms are available we have an additional block at:

The Marriott Downtown KC
To make reservations you need to call 1-800-810-0850 or 1-816-421-6800 or at once I get the group booking code. When you call you are booking a room for the Morgan-Struemph wedding, we have 20 rooms blocked on Saturday June 20th and Sunday June 21st. If for some reason they run out or you have any problems please let us know!

Our group rate is $139/night for either two doubles or a king.

All reservations must be made by May 30th - after this the room price and availability cannot be guaranteed. Right now the rooms are booking for about $225 on so make sure to get booked by May 30th!

Alternative hotels are available in the area - if you want to search near the reception site, the address is 1522 McGee Street, Kansas City, MO.

Can't wait to see you!!!