Tuesday, May 26, 2009

27 days to go!!

So the wedding was officially four weeks from yesterday and all I have to say about that is HOLY COW! I think we're doing pretty well with finalizing the details, still a few things to be decided and lots of small details that will be left to the 10 days I have at home before the wedding.

Things that we've accomplished:

Honeymoon!! We will be going to Secrets in Maroma Beach Cancun! It's an adult only all-inclusive resort and I'm super excited! It's got nothing but good reviews and we were referred there by our travel agent who had just returned from a trip there. They also have a swine flu guarantee, if you or your guest get the swine flu after visiting you get something crazy like 2 or 3 trips back to the resort for free.

Rehearsal Dinner!! We will be having a wonderful night of food, fun, drinks and family at The Tap Room at Waldo pizza. I'm so excited about this, several of my friends have had their RDs there and have given rave reviews.

The rose garden is whole again!! My wonderful internet friends have been keeping tabs on the Loose Park construction project for me and have updated me with pics. There is grass, roses and it looks great! Now just do a no-rain dance for June 21st and we'll be just fine.

Micheal's suit has been purchased, I've recently checked off wedding shoes and RD dress. Corsages and boutonnieres have been ordered.

I'll be taking prelims from June 1st to June 8th so all wedding planning will be passed on to Micheal and my family for the week then I fly home on the 10th to go into all out planning mode!!

We're officially up to 70 guests but are still missing quite a few RSVPs so if you can send yours in soon that would be spectacular!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Invites are out!!

The invites went out in the mail today!! It's so exciting! Don't ask how late I was up last night finishing them...

The finished product!

Micheal casually tossing a few in

So excited!

Watch your mailbox!

Monday, May 4, 2009