Wow we've gotten quite a bit done over the past few weeks!! Major accomplishments include booking our reception site and buying my wedding dress!!
On Friday our contract (which included a Dr Pepper clause) was received by
The Skylight Room at Crosstown Station and we have officially booked for June 21st, 2009. WOW! Here are some pics, we really LOVED this space the second we walked in. We really feel like it's "us" and reminds us a lot of our time at The Todd in Richmond.

The next thing I checked off the list was purchasing the patterns for my flower girls and for my bridesmaids!! My lovely step-mother has graciously agreed to make these dresses for the ladies and girls in my wedding. It will be such a big help! Here are the BM dresses:

They'll be a nice satin-y orange.
The final and most important accomplishment happened today! I ordered the most amazing piece of clothing that I will ever own and I'll only wear it for one day! My wedding dress!! Here's a link for anyone who wants to see it, I of course I can't post the pictures since Micheal might look at this. :)
That's all for now!